Jake Bayles
Photography &
Graphic Design
Circles and Ovals

Right off the bat, I realize not all of these images are circular, but I did my best to make it interesting so that on certain images such as the Boss distortion pedal, if you look closely you can see the knobs which are circular. But Honestly, I think I did a decent job on picking images that have some degree of importance to me, such as the guitar and the bass. The process I went through to pick these images was really me thinking of things I'm proud of , such as the ceramic coil vase. As far as making my photos edit-worthy, what I tried to do was to get the placement of the objects as close as I could to a point on the tic-tac-toe board focal points of photography. As far as the backgrounds go, I did my best to focus on what would really bring the image out to the eye, such as on the red diamond, I tried to make the background have somewhat of a sandy texture to it to bring out the red color in the object. Overall, my favorite image is probably the edited photo of the guitar pick. I like to think of myself as a simplistic type of person, and I think simplicity is best represented through that image. I would say my least favorite is probably of the original bass in the window. I believe I could of done a better job with the lighting in that photo. As far as making improvements go for my work, I want to continue to strive towards my editing skills. I could definitely work on using actual Photoshop more often, that's something you'll see me get more use out of in the near future.