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To me, another important part of photography is creating a vision so your viewer would want to reach out and feel the texture of the image you took. That's really what this set is all about, I went around my home and environment and found some textures that I thought would make good candidates for this assignment. You'll see a few photos simply edited as normal in Adobe Lightroom, as well as some double exposures. The best way I can explain the double exposures is that they are basically two images stacked on top of each other, with the opacity of the image on top turned down so the photo beneath it will shine through. This is really a Photoshop technique that required my class to utilize for this set. The image of the electric guitar with the snips of the image broken up into a collage is my take on a technique used by David Hockney for what I ultimately called, my Hockney collage. 

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